513.309.8377 mary@themiddlewayhealth.com
As an INTEGRATIVE NURSE-PATIENT ADVOCATE, it is my mission to promote healing from the inside out. I aim to motivate you to learn and understand the deep connection of the body and the mind in order to take responsibility for your health and well-being. This involves practicing moderation in eating and drinking, and carefully observing and monitoring what you are doing and thinking.
The medical system these days can be confusing, I know, and difficult for both patients and doctors to navigate. Many people are becoming interested in alternative and integrative medicine. But not all health care practitioners have been trained in other than allopathic or traditional medicine with reliance on drugs and treatment that does not address the whole person. They therefore find it difficult when patients ask for more than a traditional prescription.
Integrative Nurse-Patient Advocacy
is a collaborative commitment
I can help you to navigate the current medical system in a way that is helpful and supportive to your overall healing. There is a place for traditional doctors, hospitals and healthcare facilities, assistance with medical coverage, as well as alternative healers, and other support systems to help in developing a healthy lifestyle.
Healing begins with you. The more you understand your own body and your own mind, the more empowered you are to create health and prevent illness. When you do feel the need to use medical resources, I can guide you to present your whole self when communicating with your health practitioners. You can learn to ask more questions, make more informed decisions about you healthcare, and better use the medical system with respect and honor for all that it provides.
I offer insights into the mind-body connection and the role of self responsibility. It is not my intention to recommend or prescribe any treatments or modalities, but simply to offer an introduction to holistic thought and healing, and suggest guidelines for desired lifestyle changes.
Working together with you, I will
- listen carefully to how you are navigating your health needs and assess your current health status through my own coaching assessment tools
- collect patient health data from you, your family, or your health care providers – with your consent
- analyze your health history and data in order to create the best path within the system for you to attain maximum and holistic health
- help you build your support and team, and empower you to work with them
- offer communication strategies to make sure your questions get answered
- provide health counseling, coaching, and teaching where necessary
- not prescribe or administer any medications, supplements, or treatments, but may make suggestions or recommendations, always referring you back to your primary care provider or other licensed doctors or health care practitioners on your team
- reassess and revise the health plan of care if and when needed
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The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. Any communications with Mary Claybon or with representatives of middlwayhealth.com or with Promoting Health: The Middle Way, LLC also does not constitute advice from a physician or other health care provider and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have no known health problems, it is advisable to consult your doctor before making major changes in your lifestyle.