Sugar as toxic as cigarettes and alcohol???



Ok so I watched the  60 minutes episode on sugar (click here and watch it!). The research is in. Sugar is as toxic as cigarettes and alcohol. In studies using human volunteers fed a regimented diet followed by blood tests, they found that increasing sugar in the diet, elevated the bad LDL cholesterol, the culprit in heart disease and heart attack deaths.

It turns out sugar also feeds cancer cells. They love glucose (sugar) as much as our muscle cells love sugar for exercise.

What was interesting is that in an evolutionary sense, we have learned to eat and enjoy sugar since plants were on the earth. There is not one plant that contains sugar that is poisonous. Therefore eating a plant with sugar was considered safe. Now we have taken it too far. We are eating way too much sugar in blatant treats like candy, cakes and ice cream, but also drinking sugar in soda pop, sports drinks, and even fruit juice.

Sugar is often a hidden ingredient in foods that don’t even taste sweet. Many processed foods are made with high fructose corn syrup, which has little to do with corn. So the bottom-line. If you want to eat the perfect diet, seriously cut down on sugar. The recommendation for men is no more than 150 grams of sugar and for woman no more than 100 grams per day.

Eat your sugar naturally in fruit and real food that does not come out of a box or package. Fruit has natural sugar, satisfying our need for something sweet, but it also adds vitamins and fiber.

Avoid white breads, sweetened yogurts, sweetened cereals and the obvious gooey desserts.

When you are buying breakfast cereals make sure they have less than 5 grams of sugar and lots of fiber and protein.

Avoid Soft drinks, sports drinks and fruit juices with added sugars.

Drink more water and eat more fresh foods.

In the end, you know I am the Middle Way so although I pretty much follow my own recommendations, I will occasionally have my cake and eat it too!



Why have a colonoscopy and how often?

Why get a colonoscopy and how often?

A Colonoscopy is a procedure in which a Gastroenterologist uses a scope to look inside the entire large intestine (colon) from the rectum to the lower part of the small intestine.  By looking inside, the physician can see the health of the colon, and can biopsy suspicious areas, remove polyps, and determine the cause of inflammation or bleeding.

A colonoscopy is the number one procedure for discovering early colon cancer and considered routine screening. A colonoscopy is usually recommended for prevention and early detection by the age of 50 years old. If you have a relative who has had colon cancer, you may need a colonoscopy at a younger age.

It is recommended that we have a colonoscopy every 10 years if there are no abnormalities in the colon. If you have bleeding, polyps, or inflammatory bowel disease it is recommended to have a colonoscopy every 5 years. I get a colonoscopy every 5 years because of a history of rectal bleeding and a chronic fissure in that area.

The preparation is worse than the procedure. Since your colon must be completely empty of all debris, you must take a laxative formula the day before. There are various formulas that doctors use for their patients to prepare the colon.

I just had my colonoscopy. For my prep this time I had to take laxative pills and a whole bottle of Miralax mixed with Gatorade. So, guess what you do for the rest of the day? Spend a lot of time in the bathroom. I did several soduko puzzles and finished reading my New York Times. I also caught up on some quiet work and watched some of my favorite DVR programs. I made the day as pleasant as I could.

The day of the procedure is usually uneventful for the patient. Most often you are given medication that makes you forget you are there and you generally want to go out to eat when you are finished.

I had my colonoscopy late in the day at 4:30. My colon was clear but I was starving. All went well and I am so glad I did it. I felt nothing and had a great dinner after.

For more information about a colonoscopy go to WebMD.

Katie Couric's Colonoscopy on You Tube

Dr. Oz had a recent colonoscopy and they found a polyp. He discussed his colonoscopy with Larry King. Dr. Oz's Colonoscopy.

If you are over the age of 50 and have never had a colonoscopy this would be a good time to talk to your doctor and have it done.

The Many Benefits of Flaxseed

Flaxseed is an ancient food that has been known for its health benefits for centuries. In nature it is a small blue flower with a small brown or golden seed. You can buy the whole seeds at most grocery and health food stores. It is best to buy organic whole flaxseed and grind it yourself. A small electric coffee grinder works best.

The seeds are also compressed into flaxseed oil that has some of the benefits of the actual seeds. The oil has a lubricating effect on the skin and cells, but lacks the fiber that is most helpful in the diet.

You can add ground flaxseed  to most of your favorite foods without it affecting the taste. “Sneak” it in and add the healthful benefit to your favorite foods. Generally add 1 tablespoon per serving in your favorite recipes. Flaxseed has a mild nutty flavor if you taste it at all.

The suggested use is to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed per day for anyone except pregnant and lactating women. Please consult your health care provider regarding use of flaxseed as a supplement in your diet.

You can add ground flaxseed  to most of your favorite foods without it affecting the taste. “Sneak” it in and add the healthful benefit to your favorite foods. Generally add 1 tablespoon per serving in your favorite recipes. Flaxseed has a mild nutty flavor if you taste it at all.

The latest research is providing more and more evidence that flaxseed has many health benefits. Here is a list of possible benefits to using flaxseed in your diet.


Is a rich source of omega fatty acids and lignans along with vitamins and       phytonutrients, not to mention a great source of fiber.

Has both soluble and insoluble fiber. You can’t get better than that.

Is a rich source of antioxidants and can support the immune system.

May have a protective effect against cancer, particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

Can reduce inflammation in the colon, which can reduce the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.

May reduce breast pain.

May help the healing process in lung injuries.

In animal studies the ALA in flax seed inhibited tumor incidence and growth.

Has anti-inflammatory benefits that can prevent the effects of heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, arthritis and skin disorders like eczema.

May normalize heartbeat.

May prevent hardening of the arteries.

May help your cholesterol levels by decreasing your LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) levels.

May improve blood sugar levels for diabetics and because of this may also help stabilize weight.

Has an effect on hormone levels and may normalize the menstrual cycle in younger women.

May reduce hot flashes in menopausal women.

May lower blood pressure.

Can increase energy and vitality.

May help with Attention Deficit Disorder.


Web MD discussed benefits of flaxseed

National Institute of Health on Flaxseed

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