What Are You Thinking? Key to Your Health

I have spent over 40 years studying the body and health, both illness and wellness and how the physical systems work and break down. I have also spent the last 30 years studying how we can prevent those systems from breaking down by adhering to a healthy lifestyle. I have dedicated the last 25 years of my life to studying how our thoughts and attitudes influence our health and wellness. I can summarize my findings by using four questions to evaluate your health and wellness or lifestyle.

What are you eating?

What are you drinking?

What are you doing?

What are you thinking?

 Chances are if you are not feeling “well” or suffer from “dis-ease” one or all of these questions include some unhealthy practice. The most important question is What are you thinking? But first let’s look at the others.

What are you eating?

Let’s look at what you are eating. There is so much written about diet today that many have been suffering from mass confusion. The truth is the laws of nutrition have not changed much and we still need to eat a variety of foods to stay healthy. There is no magic bullet and no magic diet. We are hear to enjoy food and eat what feels good and healthy and give us pleasure. We need to eat to live and live it up while we eat.

So what feels good and what does feel good mean.

In a nutshell after studying all the diets and after going on many of them myself, I conclude the healthiest way to eat is:

  • With variety
  • Not too much meat
  • Fish at least once a week
  • More plant based
  • Limit dairy products
  • Lots of vegetables and a some fruit
  • High fiber grains in breads, cereals and pasta
  • Protein at every meal
  • Limit simple sugars and avoid high fructose corn syrup
  • Eat what your body is calling you to eat.
  • Eat the foods that bring you joy and energy.
  • Eat in moderation

 What about drinking?

It is no secret that water is important. Our body consists of 75% water. Our cells and organs need water to function. Water keeps every thing flowing. Water is cleansing. The most important thing you can drink is water. There is controversy about the amount of water one needs, but there is no argument that we don’t live very long with out water. Can you over do water? Of course! We can overdo everything.

What about other beverages? There are other ways to get fluids into our body. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are wonderful supplements for health.

Coffee and tea have some benefits, but only in moderation. They are caffinated beverages and actually encourage our system to eliminate water. They actually can dehydrate us. The plusses of coffee is that it is a stimulant and can give us energy when we are tired and also, let’s face it-those of us that love a cup of coffee with the morning paper are drinking it because of the ambiance of it-for how it feels as it goes down and more than likely because we are in the habit of drinking it.

Tea is a little different. Caffinated tea can be a stimulant and Green tea has been reported to prevent and even attack some cancers. All the data is not in.

Tea has been found to have some strong antioxidants that help prevent disease and in some cases aid in curing cancers.

Decaffeinated herbal teas are not only refreshing but can have some medicinal value. Herbal teas have a connection to relaxation and quiet.

Wine and alcohol seem to have a place in a healthy diet, when consumed very moderately. For men this is about 2 drinks a day and for women no more than 1 drink a day. A drink is 6oz of wine, 8 oz of beer, 1 oz of liquor. Beyond this amount alcohol does more harm than good. Alcohol adds calories to the diet and also can be dehydrating.

Whenever you are consuming any beverage other than water it is best to have a glass of water with the other beverage. This allows you to enjoy the beverage of your choice but also to dilute it and allow the water to rehydrate your system.

What are you doing?

Whatever you do it must be in line with your values and goals. Your body needs to move so hopefully you are doing something other than sitting or driving. Your body needs walking and bending and stretching and playing. Without movement on a regular basis your body will become stiff and your entire system will suffer.

The doing should include daily exercise of some sort. It needn’t be so strenuous you dread doing it, but it should be enough that your body has to make some effort and in the act of doing the body is lubricated. Walking is by far the best and most natural exercise. Buy a pedometer and make your goal 10,000 steps (5 miles) a day.

Are you working at a job you love? Gardening is great doing. What about traveling. Are you doing some traveling – even if it is exploring a local park or place you have never been to? Pretend you took an airplane to come to this beautiful place and enjoy all the sites.

Do what you love.

 What are you thinking?

This is the most important question, because if your thinking is in order all the other questions will fall into place. We do not over eat or drink or become sedentary because we are happy people and it feels good to our system. Generally happy people are full of life and enjoy what they eat, what they drink and what they do. Unhappy people abuse food and drink and either do nothing productive or resent everything they are doing.

This is the most important question to ask yourself.

 Recently I was talking to someone who said, “You know, I am doing everything right. I am eating practically a vegetarian diet, I don’t drink, I don’ smoke, I work out with weights every other day and then walk and do aerobics 4 times a week, but I still feel like crap.”

So I asked – “What are you thinking?” she said – well –that is a problem. My thoughts are very conflicted. “ She proceeded to share some of her most recent issues. The main source of conflict is her interpersonal relationships and some issues at work.

That was it. She could do all of the exercise she wanted and eat very healthy indeed, but if her thinking stays conflicted she will continue to feel bad.

Each person needs to examine his or her own thoughts. What do you think from one moment to the other? What motivates you? What are your values? Who are you? What do you believe?

 These are the questions that need to be examined in order to fully be healthy and alive.

And while you are questioning you may feel like crap, because it may be the first time you are really honest with yourself. It may be that for years you covered up all of your conflicting thoughts with distractions. Some people become workaholics. Being deep in thought about a project that needs to be completed prevents you from looking deeply within at your true thoughts.

Everyone is struggling in his or her own way with the existential questions. Some have found answers enough to move forward and live life fully. Others retreat to a mountain where they feel most comfortable with themselves and no interpersonal relationships to contend with. Look deeply within. You can only hide from yourself for so long

When to Buy Organic-The 12 Most Contaminated List

An apple a day can keep the doctor away, maybe? It turns out that apples are the highest in pesticides. They just made the top of the “12 most contaminated” list. (USA Today) Apples contain nutrients, fiber, and great stuff for health of your whole body, but it is important to buy organic or wash them with vegiwash or water mixed with a little dish detergent and rinse.

I just bought a bag of apples for work so that I could make sure I got some fruit and fiber at lunch time and for snacking. I have been buying all organic apples.

Here is the 12 MOST CONTAMINATED list.

1. Apples

2. Celery

3. Strawberries

4. Peaches

5. Spinach

6. Nectarines

7. Grapes

8. Sweet Bell Peppers

9. Potatoes

10. Blueberries

11. Lettuce

12. Kale/Collard Greens

Of course, fear will interfere with health too, so do the best you can and enjoy your food.

Have a healthy day and stay happy!


The Many Benefits of Flaxseed

Flaxseed is an ancient food that has been known for its health benefits for centuries. In nature it is a small blue flower with a small brown or golden seed. You can buy the whole seeds at most grocery and health food stores. It is best to buy organic whole flaxseed and grind it yourself. A small electric coffee grinder works best.

The seeds are also compressed into flaxseed oil that has some of the benefits of the actual seeds. The oil has a lubricating effect on the skin and cells, but lacks the fiber that is most helpful in the diet.

You can add ground flaxseed  to most of your favorite foods without it affecting the taste. “Sneak” it in and add the healthful benefit to your favorite foods. Generally add 1 tablespoon per serving in your favorite recipes. Flaxseed has a mild nutty flavor if you taste it at all.

The suggested use is to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed per day for anyone except pregnant and lactating women. Please consult your health care provider regarding use of flaxseed as a supplement in your diet.

You can add ground flaxseed  to most of your favorite foods without it affecting the taste. “Sneak” it in and add the healthful benefit to your favorite foods. Generally add 1 tablespoon per serving in your favorite recipes. Flaxseed has a mild nutty flavor if you taste it at all.

The latest research is providing more and more evidence that flaxseed has many health benefits. Here is a list of possible benefits to using flaxseed in your diet.


Is a rich source of omega fatty acids and lignans along with vitamins and       phytonutrients, not to mention a great source of fiber.

Has both soluble and insoluble fiber. You can’t get better than that.

Is a rich source of antioxidants and can support the immune system.

May have a protective effect against cancer, particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

Can reduce inflammation in the colon, which can reduce the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.

May reduce breast pain.

May help the healing process in lung injuries.

In animal studies the ALA in flax seed inhibited tumor incidence and growth.

Has anti-inflammatory benefits that can prevent the effects of heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, arthritis and skin disorders like eczema.

May normalize heartbeat.

May prevent hardening of the arteries.

May help your cholesterol levels by decreasing your LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) levels.

May improve blood sugar levels for diabetics and because of this may also help stabilize weight.

Has an effect on hormone levels and may normalize the menstrual cycle in younger women.

May reduce hot flashes in menopausal women.

May lower blood pressure.

Can increase energy and vitality.

May help with Attention Deficit Disorder.


Web MD discussed benefits of flaxseed

National Institute of Health on Flaxseed


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