Promoting Cat Health: The Middle Way

Oh Sweetie! Looking a little perplexed for his photo op.

This is our cat, Sweetie. We have had him since he was 4 months old. He is an old man now, but still enjoys food and company, and we enjoy him.
Promoting Cat Health: The Middle Way
Our 18-year-old cat, Sweetie has been with us since he was 4 months old. He was given to us by my Course in Miracles teacher who bought him in a garage sale. He has been a natural cat. We have never had him declawed. He spent as much time outside as he did inside for most of his life. Our neighbors all know Sweetie, the large longhaired cat with the beautiful green eyes. We think he is part Main Coon. Main Coons are known for their verbal communication. When we talk to Sweetie, he seems to answer us with his meow.
Other than for yearly vaccines, we never had to take Sweetie to the Vet because of illness until a few years ago when his health began to deteriorate.