A torn quilt can still keep us warm-Poem on life’s challenges.

by | Apr 5, 2013 | Health and Wellness

Baskets of love.

My worn out quilt.

A poem I wrote thinking of friends going through lots of challenges right now.

This is a quilt I bought years ago at a garage sale.

I loved the baskets of flowers and patchwork.

It is stained and torn now, but still provides color and warmth. Like life!


The patchwork of Life

Presents us with challenges

Out of the blue sometime

Unable to gather all the pieces

Around its quilt

To make sense

And solve the uneven threads.


We are given little moments 

Of refuge

Moments when a torn quilt

With all its colors

Can be wrapped around us

To provide warm support.

It may be torn, but it works.

And then somehow

We can walk again

Into the mess 

With some strength 

Until our weary 

Body and mind 

Need to come back for more.

And then suddenly life

Presents us with gifts

A quilt repaired like new

The glimpses of peace and joy

That give us strength to handle

The next challenge.




to Mary’s Podcast here

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