by | Dec 8, 2009 | Health and Wellness


(This is me chilling out(notice the snowman cup) I stayed in my PJs and worked the rest of the day)

CHILL OUT and Enjoy the Holidays

Preparing for the holidays can be mind boggling and stressful, or a time to remember what really matters, chill out, relax and enjoy the season.

A couple of years ago, my husband and I were returning from a November vacation and as I was thinking about all I had to do for the holidays,  and about life in general, I put on my headphones to watch the in-flight
movie Evening, a wonderful film about a woman on her deathbed
going in and out of consciousness while looking back at her life and wondering
if she had made a mistake in her love life. Her best friend comes to visit
during her last hours. They reminisce about their memories and shed some mutual
tears. The dying woman’s daughter asks the friend if her mother was perhaps
reliving something in her life that was a mistake or regret. The friend says “We
are mysterious creatures, aren’t we? And at the end, so much of it turns out
not to matter.” On her deathbed the mother reassures her daughter by saying,
“there are no mistakes.” Both of these quotes suggest that perhaps we take life
too seriously and just need to CHILL OUT.

Chill out means to relax. There is
a whole genre of Chill Out music to help us along. I own a set of CDs called Chillout I and II. Songs like Instant Relieve, Transparency, Madhouse,
Cosmic Dance
, and Holy Mountain are
some of the titles.

Listening to this music makes me want to dance and sway my
stress away.

The holidays can be a time of joy
if we remember to CHILL OUT. When you are stressing about buying the perfect
gift or equaling all of your children’s piles under the tree, take a look at
what you are doing and laugh. The perfect gift is your loving thoughts and the
warmth of being around someone who can be a symbol of peace at this time of the
year. And if you are in a baking frenzy trying to make the hundreds of cookies
you do each year, relax and make less, enjoy baking those cookies more and
smile. Buy the dessert this year and spend the baking time with your family and
friends. If the house is just not clean enough, who cares? It’s the warmth of
the home and not its spotlessness that welcomes the glee of the season.

In this short human life, think
about what matters most. This is a time to focus on relationships, enjoy the
season, every snowflake and wind chill. I love the quote from A Course in Miracles that says, “It’s
all a silly mad idea, don’t forget to laugh.” Tis the season to be jolly, not
jostled. Have fun and smile more this year.

Below is a photo of some of the cookies baked in my kitchen this year.



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