
by | Dec 31, 2008 | Uncategorized

It's the last day of 2008. I always love the day before New Year's because it causes me to reflect on how I want to live in the coming year. I always begin with the desire to quiet my mind and calm my body. In 2007 I managed to attend two yoga classes a week, journalled all year, and added time to simply sit occasionally. Then I hurt my shoulder with too many downward dogs, started physical therapy so in 2008 I was taking only an occasional weekly class. It seems quiet time took a back seat to busyness for much of the year. I always begin the day with good intentions, but find so many things needing to get done, that the sitting meditation just doesn't happen. 

This year I am excited about many things, but once again I want to make it a priority to balance my stress and put quiet time into my day. For me that will probably be a moving meditation. However when I stay aware of my thoughts and intentions, regardless of what I am doing, I become a participant observer in my life and all seems to flow. That is my goal this year to flow.

I plan to write more and keep my blog alive this year.
I have to tell you about what I am most excited about -my new granddaughters-yes! Two of them, born in September six days apart. When I am with them, they center me. Their little breath calms my breath. Their smile makes me smile and appreciate the joy of life.

I am also excited about my work as a coach, A Course in Miracles teacher and perennial student of the Course, and a new book I will be contributing to this year. Stay tuned for Discovering Your Inner Strengths, a book of interviews with leading speakers, writers, coaches of which I am one along with Ken Blanchard of One Minute Manager fame, and Steven Covey who gave us the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Do stay tuned and do contribute to my blog.
Happy New Year!! I look forward to sharing 2009 with you!


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