My Mother Like Myself

by | Jun 8, 2010 | Uncategorized

Here are some ways I am just like my MOM.

  1. I like to laugh and see the humor in things.
  2. I can be scatterbrained.
  3. I have lots of energy.
  4. I like to color coordinate my clothes, shoes and purses.
  5. I lose things.
  6. I keep piles of magazines-piles of lots of things.
  7. I have some pretty messy closets.
  8. When I clean, I like to get down on my hands and knees.
  9. I love babies and love being a grandma. (I also love being an aunt).
  10. I believe in being cheerful even when I sometimes would like to cry
  11. I cry easily so I don’t wear mascara.
  12. I moisturize my skin.
  13. I wear red lipstick
  14. My faith keeps life balanced for me. My mom and I saw our faith differently but bonded in simply knowing God has lots to do with life.
  15. I love flowers and gardening.
  16. I love listening to the rain. Rain is peaceful.
  17. I love shopping for sales.
  18. I love keeping the windows open.
  19. I love my house, deck and yard.
  20. Being a mother is a precious gift.

My mother’s favorite poem:

It’s easy enough to be pleasant when life goes by like a song.

But the one who’s worthwhile

Is the one who can smile.

When everything goes dead wrong.

Mom’s birthday is June 5 and she died of pancreatic cancer in July of 2005. She smiled throughout her illness and throughout her life. Thanks MOM


  1. Jean Gonsch

    I loved your blog!! Another way that you and Mom were a like is that you both see the good in every person that you come in contact with. You always see the bright side of life!! You, just like Mom are a joy to be around!!

  2. themiddl

    What a nice comment Jean. I know Mom always looked for a way to laugh and smile!


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